Skills, Trades and Careers Section » Work Experience (Paid & Non-Paid)

Work Experience (Paid & Non-Paid)

Work ​Experience 12 (WEX 12A & WEX 12B) are 4-credit courses offered for students looking to explore possible future careers.

WEX 12 is usually outside of the timetable (in the mornings or at lunch). During that time, students will complete coursework in interview skills, resume and cover letter building, job readiness, safety and other topics. 

Once the coursework criteria has been met, the teacher helps arrange work placements for the student. These are unpaid, voluntary work placements in a focus area of the student's choosing. In some cases, a student's current employment may be used for a portion of the 90 hours of work experience needed to complete the course. 

Please see your school's Work Experience Teacher or your school's Counsellor for information on how to sign up for the course.

Secondary School Contacts

​​Duchess Park Secondary - Mrs. Mercer-Bennett   [email protected]
DP Todd Secondary - Mr. Baker