Students » Springboard to Success Scholarship

Springboard to Success Scholarship

Springboard to Success Scholarship Fund



The Prince George Community Foundation is working with School District No. 57 (Prince George) to increase the scholarship opportunities for students graduating in Prince George, McBride, Mackenzie and Valemount.

Springboard to Success Scholarship Fund is an endowment established by the school board and foundation. 

The income earned by the fund provides scholarships for graduating secondary school students.  The principal remains in the fund to guarantee new scholarships each year.

The fund supports the Prince of Wales Scholarship, the Don Thorlakson Memorial Award, The Gairett MacIver Memorial Bursary, AL Ford Memorial Scholarship and several annual Springboard Scholarships.

UNBC will match the value of the Springboard Scholarship if the student enrolls at UNBC.  In addition, UNBC will match the value of the Prince of Wales Scholarship and the Don Thorlakson Memorial Award. 


  • For many students, the cost of schooling beyond Grade 12 is prohibitive.
  • Costs of attending a college, university or other training institute continue to rise.
  • The community benefits when graduates further their education beyond secondary school.



   Anyone and everyone can contribute to this fund.  Individuals, families, service clubs, businesses, schools, organizations of  every kind can help build this fund through:

         * Individual donations

         * Bequests

         * Memorials

         * Competitions

         * School projects

         * Participate in school fund-raising activities

        By contributing to the Springboard to Success Scholarship Fund, you will

        be part of a program that helps grads today and into the future.

       Tax receipts will be issued by the Prince George Community Foundation for

       all donations of $20 or greater.

I wish to donate $_______ to the Springboard to Success Scholarship Fund

(Please print clearly)
Mr.  Mrs.  Ms. ______________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________

City ____________________________Prov. _________  Postal Code ________

Phone (day) ____________________(evening)__________________________

(Optional:  This donation is in memory of ___________________________)

Cheques may be made payable to :  
            Prince George Community Foundation - S to S
             770 Brunswick Street, Prince George, BC  V2L 2C2

This donation is to be contributed to the foundation's endowment funds to be held in perpetuity.   Please print this form and forward to Prince George Community Foundation along with your donation cheque.