Awards, Scholarships, Transcripts, Post-Secondary
Welcome to School District No. 57 (Prince George) District Awards Program
The District Awards Program is made possible by the community. Many individuals, service clubs, and companies in the Prince George and Central BC area donate scholarships and bursaries to recognize student accomplishment. These awards not only bestow honor on students, but also bring them financial rewards which help offset expenses when continuing their education after high school.
The School District would like to thank the many donors who contribute to the 150+ different awards, with a value of over $150,000 that are available through our District Awards Program for our graduating students!
All students currently graduating from the 9 high schools in School District 57 are eligible to apply for the awards in this program:
*College Heights Secondary, *D.P. Todd Secondary, *Duchess Park Secondary, *Mackenzie Secondary, *McBride Secondary, *Prince George Secondary, *Shas Ti Kelly Road Secondary, *Valemount Secondary, *Alternate Community Programs (including SD57 Distance Education)
Click on the titles below to open each section.
Please note that registration site used to submit applications is not available outside the application time period each year.
For 2023-2024 the application time periods are:
The application process will be administered online. For support with this application process, please contact the counselling department at your high school. Selected winners will be notified at their high schools' graduation ceremonies in May-June 2024
Files below:
- Awards Booklet used for the 2023-2024 graduating class - this lists each award available from our awards program in SD57
- A document outlining how to apply
Documents that graduating students will need when applying for School District 57 Awards
- Reference Letters as required in the specific award descriptions. Additional reference letters are also a great thing to have when applying for awards, since they can break a tie when our committee or donor groups meet to decide upon winners. Letters can be attached even if they are not required.
- FOR BURSARY APPLICATIONS ONLY (Scholarships do not require this information): * Declaration of Family Income form for you to fill out and have signed by your guardian, or school counselling department staff if you would like to apply for Bursaries. If there is no completed Declaration of Family Income attached to a Bursary application, you will be disqualified from consideration. (again, this only applies to BURSARY applications. SCHOLARSHIPS do not require this attachment)
BC Ministry of Education Scholarships available to School District 57 Grade 12 Graduates
BC Excellence Scholarship: This is awarded to 55 well-rounded high school graduates who have demonstrated service and leadership, both at school and in their communities, and who show aptitude for and commitment to their chosen career paths. Successful recipients receive a $5,000 scholarship voucher from the Ministry of Education and Child Care.
Applications for this Scholarship are due in February each year, directly to the Ministry of Education. Please see the below site for further details:
Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship: The Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship is awarded to 20 outstanding high school graduates who have demonstrated a commitment to and aptitude for a career in K–12 teaching.
Successful recipients receive a $5,000 scholarship voucher from the Ministry of Education and Child Care that they can use to be reimbursed for tuition paid after they are attending an approved K–12 teacher education program in B.C.
Applications for this Scholarship are due in February each year, directly to the Ministry of Education. Please see the below site for further details:
District/Authority Scholarship: The District/Authority scholarship is awarded to 5,500 high school graduates who have demonstrated excellence in their chosen area. The Ministry of Education and Child Care sets core eligibility requirements and general guidelines; local scholarship committees determine awarding criteria and select their conditional recipients. *SD57 Awards committee collects these applications along with all of the other local awards. The selection for winners is made by the SD57 Awards Committee
The Ministry confirms that the selected students have meet basic criteria and then sends these confirmed recipients a $1,250 scholarship voucher. They may redeem this voucher with the Ministry to be reimbursed for tuition paid after they are attending a post-secondary institution that is designated by the Province of B.C. (i.e., approved for Canada Student Loans) or a program provider that is approved by the Industry Training Authority.
Applications for these awards are collected between January 10 and February 10, 2024 along with the other SD57 awards. In the 2021-2022 graduating year our district was allotted 112 of these Scholarships to be distributed among our graduating students. The amount that each district is allotted each year is based on numbers of graduates anticipated in each district. Please see the following site regarding more details from the Ministry regarding these awards.
Please take a bit of time to review the awards available from the Ministry of Education as the following site is continually updated. If you have questions about Ministry of Education awards that you were awarded, there is also contact information listed on this site to help with that:
Horatio Alger Association of Canada - Grade 11 Awards
Horatio Alger Association of Canada - Grade 11 awards - The Horatio Alger Association of Canada is a charitable organization dedicated to the belief that hard work, honesty and determination can conquer all obstacles
Below are samples of Thank You letters for students to use, as well as sample confirmation of full time enrollment letters that will need to be requested by the student from their selected Post Secondary Institution, AFTER they have begun classes.
*If the confirmation of full time enrollment letter is dated by the post secondary institution for prior to the first day of classes listed within that letter, it will be rejected for claiming purposes! Be sure to wait until ON or AFTER your first day of classes. Most institutions will charge a small fee for these letters, and that expense is expected to be paid by the student.
If you have any questions about this, please email [email protected]
Files collected below.
(1) New Awards Information Worksheet: This is a document for you to use when you are setting up the new award. It has spaces to enter all of the information that WE will need in order to add the new award to our awards program.
(2) Policy 5126 and welcome letter: This is the Policies in place around the awards program at School District 57
(3) 2021-22 Scholarship and Bursary: File below is a sample only. UPDATED VERSION WILL BE POSTED SEPERATELY. This is the booklet that we share with graduates between November and January each school year, so they can read through and plan on which awards they would like to apply for. I have attached this so you can see how other donors have set their awards up.
Please take a read through these 3 documents, and once you have a feeling for how we will proceed give me a call or email.
I will be happy to answer any questions that you have.
- Natasha Rempel, Secretary, Curriculum Innovation Department, School District 57. ph. 250-561-6800 ext 314 em. [email protected]
DRYGRAD celebrations in School District 57
In case you are not already aware, our School District 57 graduating classes do benefit from the donations that are made at the BC Liquor Stores each year!Given the amounts contributed over recent years, we just want to communicate that these contributions really do make it to the DryGrad planning groups every year!
If you are able, please help support a safe and memorable experience for our graduates when you are shopping at BC Liquor Stores in March each year!
Graduating class of: | $ contributed to DryGrad Celebrations from BCLDB donations |
2022-2023 | $8,493.47 |
2021-2022 | $2,357.64 |
2020-2021 | $5,501.06 |
2019-2020 | $6,223.57 |
2018-2019 | $12,681.43 |
2017-2018 | $12,743.67 |
For details on these fundraisers, please take a look on the BC Liquor Distribution Branch website here:
*Any drygrad groups from high schools in School District 57, please contact [email protected] to look into taking part in these fundraisers each year. Fill out the form below and forward it by mail (SD57 Awards, 2100 Ferry Avenue, Prince George, BC, V2L 4R5), email [email protected] or drop it off at the School District 57 Board Office (2100 Ferry Avenue, Prince George, BC)
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding applying for awards, claiming awards that were won, starting new awards for students graduating from School District 57, or anything else related, please direct emails to [email protected] or phone calls to 250-561-6800, local 314.
Please note that the District Awards Secretary is away during all school district breaks (Summer Break, Winter Break and Spring Break). Any emails or phone messages left during these times will not be addressed until the secretary returns following the break(s).